Here are five items every coffee enthusiast should have in their kitchen:
The coffee world is full of choices. There are so many beans and blends, brewing methods, and accessories that you can go crazy trying to figure out what you need. But while it’s important to have a solid understanding of how your favourite brews are made, it’s even more important to have the right tools for the job. That means having the right equipment with which to brew your favourite cup before it gets too cold or bitter (or worse). Here are five items every coffee enthusiast should have in their kitchen:
The right mug
When it comes to a good cup of coffee, the right mug is an essential part of the experience. Your mug should fit your hand comfortably and not be too heavy; you don’t want it sliding all over your desk while you’re drinking. The material of your mug (ceramic, glass or metal) should be resistant to heat and easy to clean.
If you’re looking for a new mug, here are some recommendations:
- Double Walled Glass Thermal Mugs for Hot Drinks with Handles Set of 2 – £24.99
- Stainless Steel Coffee Mug with Lid, Set of 2 – £16.97
A good grinder
A good grinder is an essential part of the coffee-making process. The grind size affects flavour, texture and aroma. For optimal results, you should choose a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder. Burr grinders are made with stainless steel or ceramic, whereas blade grinders use plastic parts that may affect the taste of your brew and make it bitter.
A good quality burr mill will be able to produce uniform-sized grounds for all types of brews — from espresso to French press — which leads to better-tasting cups of joe every time!
The right beans
When you’re looking for the right beans, there are some general rules to follow. First, buy whole beans over pre-ground coffee. Whole bean coffee is fresher and will taste better than pre-ground because of its longer shelf life without oxygen exposure. Plus, if you want to try a new roast or blend, buying whole beans allows for greater flexibility in your blends.
Second, pick up your bags from a reputable source that has been around long enough to provide consistent quality products (and customer service). You won’t find this type of customer service at every grocery store or big box retailer—and it matters when choosing where to buy your beans!
Thirdly—and most importantly—make sure that the bagged coffee has an expiration date so you know how fresh it really is. Freshness is key when it comes to enjoying great-tasting coffee!

The right brewing methods
- Pour-over
- Drip
- French press
- Espresso
- Cappuccino
- Latte
- Macchiato
An espresso machine (optional)
Espresso machines are expensive and not a necessity in your coffee-making career. However, they can be used to brew other types of coffee. If you’re on the fence about getting one, here are some things to consider:
- Espresso machines are great for those who want to make espresso drinks at home.
- You don’t have to commit all your time and money into an expensive electric machine with tons of bells and whistles that turns out mediocre lattes every time (that’s what restaurants are for). If you’re just starting out as a barista, try brewing manually with a French press or pour-over brewer until you get the hang of it before investing in an expensive electric model—the results will taste just as good!
Coffee lovers need the right tools to brew their favourite cup.
Coffee lovers need the right tools to brew their favourite cup. Without the proper equipment, you could be missing out on an excellent mug of coffee. It’s important to understand what you need before purchasing anything—and there are many options available at various price points!
- First, cups are absolutely essential in any good home barista’s collection. You can buy them at your local thrift store or order them online; just make sure they’re dishwasher-safe and microwave safe (if you have one). And remember: both sizes matter! Smaller ones for espresso shots and larger ones for drip coffee machines will allow for maximum versatility when serving guests with different tastes.
- Next, grinders are also an essential part of brewing delicious coffee anywhere from home bars to fine dining establishments—and there are plenty of options out there ranging from manual models that require hand strength alone all the way up through elaborate automatic machines that use electricity instead of manual labour power alone (but don’t be fooled by these high-tech versions–they still need regular maintenance!). The key is finding the right balance between affordability versus quality since there are many different types available depending upon how much money you want to spend versus how much time do without drinking delicious beverages made fresh every single day!
We hope that this article has helped you realise what coffee tools are important to have and how they can enrich your brews. We have five delicious flavours in our store available in whole bean and other grinds, and we grind to order.