Tired of making tasteless cups of coffee but don’t know what you’re doing wrong? Here are five things you should never do to your coffee!
Coffee is undoubtedly one of the most beloved beverages of our time. Whether it’s sleepy college students on their commute, overworked moms dropping their kids off at school, or busy corporate workers — their mornings are incomplete without a steaming cup of coffee.
However, like all beverages, brewing the perfect cup of coffee is an acquired skill. You may not know how each blend or roast works, but you know a good cup of coffee when you sip one. So, what common mistakes do people make that make their coffee taste like bitter water?
Here are five things you should never do to your coffee!
1. Using Stale Coffee Beans
Most of us have grown up seeing coffee in gleaming containers on supermarket shelves far away from the fresh goods. However, you shouldn’t buy coffee beans and stretch them out for months the way you would with a packet of sugar or a bottle of shampoo.
Coffee beans lose some of their flavours every time you open the bag. Your beans will be stale within a month, and your coffee will start tasting weak and flavourless. For the best results, make sure you store your beans in airtight containers and buy fresh ones every two weeks or so.
2. Buying Cheap Coffee
If you are saving money by buying cheap coffee, you might be in for a rude awakening. Inexpensive coffee doesn’t taste as good as quality coffee. The rich taste of your morning cup of joe comes from quality beans curated with care and packaged to retain their freshness and aroma.
So, if you want to have a good start to your day, you might need to buy a brand that focuses on freshness and quality instead of low prices.
3. Putting Your Coffee In The Microwave
Just don’t do it. If you brewed a fresh cup of coffee, set it next to your laptop and forget to drink it for two hours, don’t pop it in the microwave to reheat it. It will taste stale, bitter, and will not deliver the kick you’re looking for.
Instead, invest in a thermal mug, so you don’t have to microwave your coffee even if it’s been a while since you made it.
4. Not Cleaning Your Coffee Machine
One of the things many people don’t pay a lot of attention to is that their coffee machines need cleaning. If you have coffee sludge sticking to its insides, there’s a chance your next cup of coffee is not going to taste so great.
However, most people don’t bother thoroughly cleaning their coffee machines because it takes so long. For a long-term investment that’s going to improve the taste of your coffee and save you time, buy a coffee machine that’s sleek and easy to clean. Here is a useful video on how to clean your coffee machine.

5. Using Water With The Wrong Temperature
No, not every cup of coffee is made by adding boiling water to the mix. If you’re adding anything other than cold water to your drip coffee maker, you’re probably searing the flavour right out of your coffee. As for other methods, you need to make sure that the water isn’t at the boiling point because that temperature usually makes the coffee taste bitter and not even in a good way.
Well, these are some things you should never do to your coffee cup. Be honest, how many of these do you do?